Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Tuesday Photo Prompt

I'm so glad I found, and started doing, the HS/MS/HS daily prompts. It's a great way to use some of my creative energy and it doesn't really take that much time to do. I always put a link in my blog to the daily posts so you can go check out everybody elses work, if you don't usually go look then I highly suggest taking a few extra minutes to do so. Today there are some really amazing photo's.

The photo prompt today was, as usual, rather fun for me. I love the challange of finding these things within my space. The prompt is Carve: To cut or chip in order to form something. I've got three shots for this.
My favorite (but I'm biased). We were given this glass frame for a wedding present and I really love the shaping and flow of it.
A stone necklace given to me by my grandma I don't know how many years ago.
A little carved mole that's seen better days. He was in really good condition until I let the Kiddo play with him. Since then he's been knocked around a bit and had at least one bath in the toilet (kids! *sigh*). Needless to say he's been repossessed and now sits high up on my dresser, moles can't swim all that well you know.


Chris T said...

Nice little set of photos - particularly like the photo frame!

Kerry said...

They are all lovely items. I love the photo frame.


Thoughts Become Things; Choose The Good Ones.