Monday, December 6, 2010

Questionable ...

Have any of you heard about the California house filled with explosives? I guess they caught the guy, searched his house, and found piles of the stuff. So now, because the place is also full of junk, (and that makes it "dangerous getting the explosives out") they plan to just burn the place down.

I don't think that sounds like such a bright idea. If it's to dangerous to remove the explosives then I seriously doubt they did a full inventory (who knows what random fancy 'go boom' stuff is in there). Sounds to me more like they removed and dealt with a couple loads of the stuff and then somebody said "you know, at this rate this is gonna take forever and be darned expensive... we should just burn it all and see what happens..."

Of course I have no idea about this stuff so I'm probably talking out my who-si-whatsit...

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