Our weekend was very busy. We spent Friday hanging out at the in laws, they have computer trouble sometimes and the Man is the on call fix it guy. Which is extremely ironic considering our computer is really messed up and we haven't got a clue why or how to fix it.
Saturday we went and let the barber school cut the Mans hair. If you'll remember I mentioned last week all the money they made that day went to Primary Childrens. So, in the spirit of giving, we let them attempt to give the Man a high and tight... um yeah we'll probably be using our own clippers to 'adjust' the results later this week. We also had them pretend to trim the Kiddo. He didn't need it, but it was only 5$ a haircut and we wanted to give more then just one haircut worth.
Saturday we also went to the Festival of trees (a post on that, with pictures, later today). All the proceeds from the festival go to primary Childrens as well. I fought myself for awhile before deciding that the money for us all to get in was something I could spend w/out feeling guilty (only 11$ but still). It's been hard for me to get into the holiday spirit this year but the Kiddo is in full swing with Christmas lights and I knew he'd love it (he did).
Sunday my Mother in Law took me (and the Mans sister) to see a movie. The last time I saw a movie in a movie theater was two years ago!! It was really nice. I left the Kiddo with Grandpa and the Man. They had a "boys day" in which they hung out and the Man taught his dad how to burn music onto cd'd. When we got back from our movie they were all in a very good mood! It's always nice when the Man and his dad get to spend a little guys only time together... it was extra nice that they included the Kiddo and they all seemed to really enjoy it.
That was my weekend... now that you're caught up I'll see about posting something more interesting. I took several pictures from the festival of trees, and I've got a very cute picture of the Kiddo... stay tuned.