Saturday, April 4, 2009

houses in the park

A quick update on the Kiddo. He's doing great. Once he's done stalling he cooperates like a angel with putting his eye patch on. He's even asked to do it himself a couple times! He is still ridiculously needy and wont play in a separate room from me but, after two weeks, I can finally get him to play with some toys on the floor near where I'm at (vs in my lap no toys).

Yesterday he was playing with his little people airplane flying it around. He had the pilot up front, and a little boy with a backpack on in the back seat. He was "flying to see grannie and grampi in AZ". I don't make this stuff up folks, he loved his trip and he loves his grannie and grampi *grin*

Az is a little far so today is another mother in law visit. We do them nearly weekly. She likes to see the kid and it does get us out of the house. Plus (I feel a little bad admitting this) it's a free dinner once a week and helps stretch our food budget.

Keep things frosty people... the winter crap weather will be over before we know it, and we're halfway through the eye patch experiment. Two more weeks can't take THAT long...

The kiddo's visually impaired take on houses in the park:

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