Todays word prompt over at HSMSHS is Point: A tapered or sharp end, a projection, a dot, a place or spot, directions on the compass, the essential thing, to direct or aim.
I've got a very cool compass around here somewhere but rather then search for it (I'm lazy and odds are very very good it's buried in the storage closet) I found something else. Something sharp..
That is perfect for today's prompt. I would never have thought of my sewing machine.
Great point! xox
oh very nice!! maybe i'll find myself doing another hsmshs tonight...inspiration is dwindling at the moment with so many tasks to take care of!!
Well done on the photo, but...
although looking at or using a sewing machine does not bother me, I cannot look at a sewing machine needle without my tummy cringing in memory of the nice girl who shared my table in freshman HS art class who showed up with a big bandage one day because she'd managed to run her thumb under the needle while feeding the material through. *shudder*
ooow oh man now MY tummy is cringing, geh I don't do needles for shots but USED to be okay with other needles :p thanks for that image lol
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