Monday, November 24, 2008

Another Monday

I'm yawning non stop this morning.. the Kiddo was up three times last night, each time just shy of an hour after the time before it. Which means almost enough time to get to sleep, but not quite. So, by the time I went to sleep it was 2!!

The Man and I are amazed, very nearly daily, on how creative and imaginative the Kiddo is. Yesterday we were all hanging out in our bedroom and he started playing with one of my socks. It was a thick black and gray stripped calf sock. He had his little people, and his little people school bus and a sock. ... ... what do you think he did with the sock?


He made the sock into a "dinosaur" and used it to gobble up some of the little people. They all fled before the great sock dinosaur, and it opened it's big sock mouth and ate them if it caught them. Then, he told the sock to "say aaah" and he performed sock surgery to extract the people from it's sock'y tummy so they could go ride in their bus.

A sock dinosaur. I don't know else to say *shaking head*

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