I've been slacking on my posting and I feel bad. I've just been really tired. Between going to bed at 11:30 and waking up every morning at 5:55am (with NO coffee) my motivation to do much during the day has waned. I will hopefully soon get used to this new schedule (since it's never going to change) and then get back to the usual daily postings. Till then I hope you, my readers (what few there are), will be patient.
Yesterday was another appointment with the Endocrinologist for the Kiddo. We weren't really doing anything but going over what we've been doing the last 4 weeks and discussing what the plan will be fore the next several months.
Basically the kiddo has grown 1/2 an inch since the visit in June so we're going to continue holding off on the growth hormones. I'm very pleased! The plan is to continue to monitor his growth and make sure that he continues with a steady pattern, if he does then we will never have to give him the hormone. I'm optimistic he will.
We touched briefly on the hypothyroidism. Nothing new there, just that everything seems to be doing what it should be so the doc is happy. We will get a blood test done next month to measure it again.
For the Adrenal Insufficiency we had pretty much the same conversation. Except that the doc told us we could go get a pill to give the Kiddo instead of the liquid. I'm mildly concerned, I was under the impression he pushed the liquid so much because it was better for a child the Kiddo's size. Now he's saying that the liquid is only better then the pill because it's easier to adjust the amount given but that the Kiddo shouldn't need adjustments so we can go to the pill until he does. That being the case I think we are going to do half and half. I know I can't get the Kiddo to take a pill at 6 in the morning and have any hope of him staying asleep (he takes the liquid in his sleep and continues sleeping till at least 8 or 9). So we will give him the liquid in the morning, we will give him the pill in the evenings though because that will give us a lot more freedom in where we go and what we do (a pill, obviously, does not need to be "kept chilled"). Plus the pill is covered by the insurance!
Anyway those are the updates. Nothing much new (minus the medication type adjustment) but everything good. Now I just have to do a little shopping for a medical alert bracelet! Mid October we will go get another blood test done on the Kiddo, and late October we will have our next Endo appointment. If at that point everything is where it should be then we wont have any more appointments or blood tests until January! I can barely imagine going through a month with no doc stuff, that will be nice :)