Monday, August 9, 2010

Fish and things

This past weekend we spent with my friend out in eastern Utah again. There are times when I wonder how she handles living out in the boonies like she does, and then I visit and I remember that the drive once every week (or two) to pick up groceries, really wouldn't be bad compared to getting to live where she does. Her house overlooks the lake, and has the small town night sky (vs the city "what stars" view). As always we had a very relaxing time with her family, and the Kiddo wishes we could visit every week.

His special treat this visit was getting to go out on the lake where my friends hubby let the Kiddo steer the boat!
And they fished. I think they said that he needed help reeling it in. We have video of him driving the boat, and a short one of him with the fish.

About an hour before it was time to head home we sent the kids outside to play. They clambered up on the trampoline. The Kiddo did very well with it, considering it was probably the second time in his life that he'd been up on one. He skip jumps, but hey it's still two feet in the air.

We also, of course, played with all the animals. He fed the bunnies with the other kids. I'm sure he played with the goats while he was at it. And we cuddled the puppies.

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