Sunday, August 22, 2010

August Weekend Fun

This weekend has been a full one.

First I have to admit it, I'm not a big fan of swimming in our apartments pool. Something about a zillion crazy screaming kids gives me a headache.. because of that I haven't taken the Kiddo out there at all this summer and I've been feeling very guilty about that. But this Friday the Man (bless him) agreed to go out with us and so we all trucked down to swim.

The Kiddo still hates to get his head wet, but I by playing follow the leader I convinced him a few times to jump off the side into the water. I think I need to teach him to plug his nose and he'll argue with me less about it. All in all we had a pretty great time, and only the Man and I got toasted.

Saturday was even better, my father in law invited us to go to another car show with him. I know I've said it before but I'm going to say it again, I really really love going to classic car shows. We met at my FIL's house in the morning and he drove us all down in his 55. These two were my favorites, I like the airbrushing on the one, and the other is just so fun with the multiple color paint.

There was tons of free food (the Kiddo had his first ever cotton candy!!) and over 150 cars to look at. We even had a nice place in the shade to sit.

And lets not forget the face painting, I'm pretty sure this is the first time the Kiddo has had his face painted. He asked her to do BumbleBee the transformer... she had no idea what to do so winged it.

And last but not least a picture of the Kiddo next to his favorite car (after grandpas car of course)... a Hudson Hornet painted up just like Doc from the Lightning McQueen movie... Love the window shades, I wonder where they got them.

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