Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Earlier this month we had our first ‘real’ snow. The kiddo was dressed and ready to go as soon as breakfast was finished.

11-5-2011 first winter snow (2)11-5-2011 first winter snow (3)

I stuck around out there with him for a bit but then I got cold .. AND smart.

11-5-2011 first winter snow (7)11-5-2011 first winter snow (8)

I realized that we live on the first floor now and that means we have a ‘yard’ in front where he can play while I watch through the window!! Makes him throwing snowballs at me so much more fun!!

1 comment:

C said...

I shivered just looking at that, but I'm glad he had a good time out. The first snow of the season is always a bit magical. (I'd like to live where there is only a first snow, and not seventeen others.)


Thoughts Become Things; Choose The Good Ones.