Thursday, November 11, 2010

Note to self

Apparently today was an early day at school. I had no idea so I took the Kiddo in at the normal Thursday time, 12:20. No other kids were outside and I wondered... after a few minutes I realized we’d better go check so we went to the office. They told us about the half day today, that means he was an hour late for a two hour day. Kick me!!

The principal (Mrs. G) was standing there and she told me not to worry about it, I wasn’t the only parent to be confused. She said that the teachers were supposed to have sent home a note. I am betting the Kiddo forgot to pick it up, sometimes having a space cadet for a kid can be really frustrating *sigh*

Mrs. G also said there was a substitute today. The last time there was a sub in the Kiddo’s class was Halloween parade day. After the parade that day the kiddo followed the rest of the kids to the classroom and got very confused when he didn’t see Mrs. S there. We found him standing in the hall outside of the doorway crying because he didn’t know where his class was. I quietly mentioned that to Mrs. G and she offered to walk him down*, I followed all the way to the door and she took him in (so she could introduce him to the sub and make sure he was happy).

Anyway I feel guilty as heck about the short day mess up. I guess if a week is any longer then three days the last day is always a short day. So since this school week is four days long (with Friday being a no school day), today is early. Thanksgiving week is only three days long so I think they’re all normal full days, I hope so anyway. At least the Kiddo and I did some work this morning so we compensated for any in school work he might have missed. He did a letter e worksheet, and then we wrote the entire lower case alphabet twice (an exercise I’ve been having him do every day this week). IMG_20101111_092447

*Have I mentioned how much I really like Mrs. G?

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Thoughts Become Things; Choose The Good Ones.