Friday, July 23, 2010

say what?

The Kiddo has started reading words on different objects and either gloating that he knows what they are, or asking what they mean. For example the other day he read "socks" and they started kicking his feet around laughing. Todays word was a "can't quite keep my face strait" one...

Kiddo: Mom what's this word?

Me: what word baby?

Kiddo: this word... it says, um, sex, what's that mean?

Me: WHAT, what word?? (doing a quick turn to see what he's reading)

Kiddo: sex, it says name and then next to that it says sex... see right here?

Me: Oh! Sex... that means gender, Male or Female, Boy or Girl. Mommy is a girl so her sex is female. You're a boy so your sex is male.

Kiddo: Oh, okay. Well they have pictures too... so the pink one is the girl right, and the blue is the boy.

Me: Yep, usually pink means girls, and girls are females. Blue usually means boy, and boys are males (trying to get the word association in there)

Kiddo: Got it, so girls and boys have sex...

Me: um er they have sexES yes, but usually it's better just to call them boys or girls. Keeps things from getting confusing.

Who knew I'd be faced with an almost birds and bees conversation this early in his life. And all because of a play doctor kits clip board.

1 comment:

Codi said...

Love it! When I first started reading I thought to myself, "oh my! What would I say, how far do you go into THAT conversation, then I thought, wait, male-female!"


Thoughts Become Things; Choose The Good Ones.